Finally met my bridesmaids for our bridesmaids convention brunch after 3 kali postpone!
Discussed their bridesmaids' outfits over brunch at Fika Cafe (siap with Powerpoint presentation heh heh heh dah bagus tu takde give out notes or show step-by-step video tutorials ok korang pfft) before walking down Arab Street to go kain hunting! (We ended up at Princess Fabrics because dah chummy with the staff and they've given good discounts to my family and my mat's family during our previous visits heh)
But before that, let me share pictures of their pretty bridesmaids gifts that I've been painfully keeping under wraps for almost two months!!!
Itched me so bad to not send them pictures via our Whatsapp chat group ok!!! But it was all worth it in the end because I got to see their surprised expressions and hear their excited squeals firsthand so super freaking huge YAY to that! :D :D :D
Another super freaking huge YAY is the fact that we also used the time to finally buy fabrics for their bridemaids outfits!!! Aku suka nak mampos ok!!! Very fresh, very pretty, and very "me" - whatever that means ah actually hahaha. Loved the fabrics so much sampai I started hugging and caressing them while bursting out into random squealing fits when the girls and I went to lepak at Nabins after the whole borong memborong session hahahahaha
Haiz kenape lah aku as the bride tak dapat tumpang gembira and pakai the outfits jugak eh. Nak jadi the bridesmaid instead of the bride ah gini.
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