The Couple

The Minah Kahwin

Nama I Farhana.

I would like to dedicate this blog to all my fellow Minah Minah Kahwin yang also tengah struggling to find the best mak andam, photographer, videographer, catering services, etc – all these while juggling work, play and her Mat who can be the perfect bakal laki material on some days and a monster who suka merajuk on others.

And this, is of course, dedicated to my one and only Mat as well.

Because if never dedicate to him later he merajuk. Nanti I dah takde Mat for my kahwin purposes lagi.

The Mat Kahwin

Nama aku Saliheen.

This blog is dedicated to all the mats whose minahs are endlessly planning and talking about their dream weddings.

Hang in there bro… layankan je.

Plan budget, save duit, doa lebih lebih, insya Allah naik pelamin jugak. Even if the cost of the pelamin could have gotten you a Ducati instead of a Super 4 yang COE akan mati lagi dua tahun.


  1. Hi Saliheen,

    Not sure if you remember me, I'm Khairiah from CJC, ex-classmate? :) Anyway, I stumbled upon your wife's blog when I am researching for my wedding and just wanted to say Hi! and Congrats! for your big day. Your wife's blog is da bomb! Very good and useful info!

    Hi Farhana,
    Sorry, menyibuk sikit! Congrats! :)

    1. Hi Khairiah

      Of course I remember you. Malay girl who is gifted in Maths sitting beside me. Hehehe. You're getting married too?? Congratulations!! May your marriage be beautiful and everlasting insyallah :)
