Finally got round to adding registries and FAQs pages to our wedding website!
Whichhhhh we will only share with our dinner guests two or three months before our wedding date so they can get more information on what to expect at our reception sambil sambil RSVP their attendance. Tak sabar nya nak tengok our RSVP counter start go up, up, up! Heh heh.
Also added our registries on the left sidebar of this blog for, y'know, just in case :P
Okay okay, I know wedding registries are not common here in Singapore (especially among Malay couples) but we thought we'll have some listings just in case we do have well-meaning friends who wish to get us gifts! I'm sure our friends who have the intention of getting us gifts would rather buy us gifts that we will definitely use instead of gifts that we will campak or tolak aside because kita actually tak pakai in the end, kan???
Kita sendiri have had some tough times trying to decide on gifts that are good and practical for our couple-friends because we're always not sure whether they have any need for bath towels or bread toaster or knife sets - y'know, stuff like that - and I've always thought it'd be so much more easier if our friends have registries that we can refer to. Kalau tak buy the exact same thing pun, at least you have an idea what the couple might need and get inspiration from there ma. Betul tak!
(Sham and Aisyah, you guys might want to set one up so we know what to buy for you as a gift once you get your house keys and we can go over to your own house for the first time!!! Woohoo, anytime now!)
By the way, can I just take this opportunity to complain about IKEA not having a bloody online registry service?!?!?! IKEA!!! REGISTRY!!! They go together like isi and kuku, please! But no registry tab in sight on their website lor. Seriously tak guna eh ada halal meatballs tapi takde wedding registry (takde link haha) Ah tak peduli ah, I'll try to be semangat and create a DIY IKEA registry one of these days.
Ah well. Aaaaanyway, there's nothing much in our registries for now because I'll have to wait until the next time my mat and I ada free time so we can add in items together - he is bloody cerewet nak mampos when it comes to household items and aku seriously tak paham ok. I'd think that a vacuum cleaner is just a vacuum cleaner, kan?! But noOOooOOoOOoOOOooooo, he couldn't stop gushing about the Sham's friend's fancy schmancy vacuum cleaner which he used when we were over at his place for a sleepover and this mamat insisted we get one for our future home!
And he is such a makcik when we go to IKEA showrooms! He'll scrutinize and/or lust after the barang rumah and barang barang dapur segala and his favourite areas to visit are the laundry rooms and kitchens -___-
Sajak sangatlah aku kasi kau nickname "My Little Housewife", (wo)man.
hahaha! i think its men nowadays lah. even my tunang also like that. it's a mutual understanding between us that he's going to be the "wife" and do all the housework when we get our own place hehe!
ReplyDeleteberas ape agaknye mak mak dorang kasi dorang makan eh?! haha!
Deleteso fun lah this registry thing!! it's a good trend to start over here in sg huh, albeit something not really accepted or done here. I would love to have registries myself, but too bad I'm too money-minded and cuma nak duit jer hahahaha
ReplyDeleteAnyway good luck with the website :) My boss tried to do this but failed miserably, tak banyak orang rsvp etc etc. maybe also sebab his guests were from a different generation than ours. Ours kalau boleh semua nak paperless. only time nak gi toilet baru nak pakai paper...toilet paper! hahahaha
ya!!! saves the trouble of trying to figure out what your friends need lor seriously. maybe most people in singapore pun cuma nak duit jer tu pasal registries tak catch on kat sini hahahaha
Deleteand thanks for the luck! i know it's a bit unconventional and mesti ada trolls or wet blankets who tak rsvp lah ape lah, but i'm prepared for that so dah angkat niat to hound each and every troll or wet blanket with a shrieky "OH! main candy crush, boleh, comment merepek kat facebook celebrity, boleh, tweet 10x within a minute, boleh, masuk website aku to rsvp TAK BOLEH??? KAU MASUK RSVP SEKARANG!" hur hur