Tuesday, December 25, 2012

bought, sealed, delivered in an arcylic box

Another promo for chiavari chairs... this time from Jentayu Gallery!

Sekarang memang tengah musim promo for chiavari chairs eh??? Ingatkan buah durian buah rambutan je ade musim, promo chiavari chairs pun ada musim seh hahahahaha

And in case you missed their hantaran gifts promotion earlier (also for January 2013 to April 2013 weddings):

(Source: Jentayu Gallery + Photography by The ProjectPixel Photography)

Siapa siapa yang very the suka and don't mind forking out a bit more for dulang hantaran that use the acrylic box kind macam yang dalam the gambar atas (very the chic, you!) can grab this promo from Jentayu Gallery! Sungguh best kan! Of course yang buat tak best is if they no longer have available slots for your wedding date! But don't fret if you're too late to grab their promo - there's one other vendor whom I know dah start providing acrylic box type of hantaran trays in Singapore, and that vendor is Love Createz:

(Source: Love Createz)

(Question: Kalau nak pakai this arcylic box style of hantaran tray, means the barang inside must be of certain length or height lah eh? Quite restrictive seh. Unless your barang barang memang cute mute belaka ah.)

Personally not really a fan of their style but we all know lain orang lain citarasa so you can choose between these two vendors if this is the type of dulang hantaran that you're looking for ok! Kalau kat Malaysia jangan cakap lah, geng. Dari dulu dah bertepek tepek bendealah dulang hantaran yang pakai acrylic box ni. Vendor and pengantin Malaysia tengok kitaorang berebut rebut baru nak start pasang ini arcylic box, diorang flip hair flip tudung segala ok.

Kalau you're the rajin sort pulak, you can always go up to Malaysia, buy the acrylic box and materials segala for yourself, DIY your own hantaran dulangs pastu lepas majlis kahwin and have no personal use for them lagi you can always rent the materials to upcoming brides-to-be at a much cheaper rate! Side business opportunity! Mesti ada interested parties punya. 

Alternatively kalau you don't want to risk other people jahanamkan the materials if you rent them out then you boleh buat as perhiasan rumah, put barang barang that's very dear or significant to you and your spouse on the trays and pasang the acrylic boxes, pastu buat macam showcase for all your tetamu yang datang rumah to look see look see. Buat macam museum. Mesti all your rude and intrusive makcik pakcik kaypo yang suka masuk tengok your bilik without permission will be very delighted with such things. (Please tell me everyone else has this kind of kaypo makcik pakcik in their midst, and it's not just me!)

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