Friday, September 6, 2013


Why must they come when my mamat and I are at the tail end of saving for our wedding? :,(

(Source: One TV Asia)

Really, really, REALLY want to go because Running Man has been such a freaking integral part of my mamat and I punya relationship for the past years - most of our dates consist of watching or re-watching Running Man episodes together. We make references to Running Man episodes all the time, and we've promised each other that if Running Man was to ever step into Singapore for filming or even just a fan meet, we are so gonna be there together.

Unfortunately, this has come at THE WORST TIMING EVER - we're not supposed to take any chances financially or use our spare cash because we're veryyyyy wary of last minute surprise payments that we may need to make for our wedding between now until just after the wedding.

My mat says this is an instance where it is just not our rezeki and tried to feebly convince me that Running Man will return to Singapore and by then, we'll be able to spend on concerts and theater shows and showcases like we used to. He's already been so damn supportive and understanding with a lot of stuff during this journey so this is the part I let this go, right? Sighhh. Why can't this fan meet in Singapore be held after November or something.....

Oh why now, Running Man, why :(

P.S. If anyone knows of ANY contest that is giving away tickets to this, PLEASE ALERT ME THX


  1. reminds me of that time when i got married and BIG%#%@&#BANG had to hold their ALIVE Tour concert on BOTH my wedding dates.

    1. eh dude, THAT was f-ed up... tu exactly on kau punya wedding dates!!!

  2. Tell me about financial setbacks. Overspend on so much already.. Sigh!

    1. sucks, right??? we're doing pretty okay on the budget, just that we're too scared to spend in case emergencies happen. haiz!
