Thursday, August 1, 2013

get your glitter on

Currently obsessing over:

Aigooooo why so cute one, I very suka tau benda benda kawaii gini!!! 

Nak pakai for outdoor photoshoot, please!!!!! 

I know I've considered wearing veils and bows and turbands for my photoshoot before but I still belum make up my mind so masih considering all my options ye.
Haizzzzz pakkal lah kepala ada satu je, nyah.

Eh tapi kan, on second thoughts, kalau nak beli any one of the above pieces from Crown & Glory macam tak worth it seh after dah convert to SG dollar + shipping. I wonder if can DIY???! Dah nak kena start cari online tutorials ni JENG JENG JENG. Hehehehehe. Eh I tengah semangat nak buat benda DIY walaupun my DIY skills haprak okay! Just did one DIY trial yesterday, in fact:

Okay laaahhhhh. Granted this DIY project is play cheat because it is very chicken mcnugget one. So chicken mcnugget that it turned out pretty well in my hands hur hur. Might need to tone down on the glue and enlarge the size of the letters if I really do confirm this project, though. We'll see lah how my mood nanti.


  1. Hello Farhana! I've been your reader since 2008 when you were using livejournal still (i think!) and after years ive finally found your blog again and I AM PLEASED :D :D :D i will be following it closely and looking forward to all your posts! :D

    1. hallo hallo babe!!!

      i'm always very excited when someone tells me she's been reading my blog since livejournal days! hehehe. how did you manage to find me again???

      thanks for reading my stuff walaupun dari dulu selalu suka merepek panjang lebar! hur hur

  2. Hello! :D

    I dont know but after many years i've found it again and i'm super excited!

    You're welcome! I will keep reading and will be waiting patiently for your big day!
