Friday, July 12, 2013

bachelorette, baby

My girlfriends from secondary school and I recently organized a bachelorette party for Shafilah, who will be getting married end of August!

Absolutely love love love bachelorette parties because there's just something really magical about it - everyone's truly happy and excited for the bride-to-be and the bride-to-be gets to share her excitement and anxiety about the wedding and especially the marriage with the rest of us... then sambil sambil boleh dapat advice and tips from the retired brides within the group sekali lah kan. Hur hur.

We seldom see each other now since all of us are at different stages of our lives, we have different commitments, and we have different kinds of professions - as compared to zaman secondary school where we'll pergi sekolah sama sama, class sama sama or class sebelah sebelah, pergi recess sama sama, lari dari OM sama sama hahaha, balek sekolah sama sama, everything and everytime pun we will spend time with each other sama sama for four straight years... so it's really nice to get together once in a while to celebrate one of us punya new life chapter and getting the chance to update each other on the progress of our own lives + reminisce kenangan lama (which never fails to amuse!!!).

We regularly keep each other updated via social media like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, of course, but nothing beats being able to talk and laugh together in real life macam the great old times, y'know? *emobasket*

Anyway! So far the theme and style of each bachelorette party that we've organized has been different from the other, and mostly depends on who the bride-to-be is. We decided on a nyonya baba theme for Shafilah's party - pretty apt because we're aaaaalways teasing her about how her perangai is always sooooo nyonya!!! You will kekek if you dengar all her merepek nyonya adventures dari dulu sampai sekarang okay. Doesn't help that she looks like one ah hahahahaha.

Booked a super fab room with balcony at W Hotel Sentosa Cove and off we went!

My party kit for the day!

 Our view for most of the day. Felt so awesome looking out of the balcony! 

Udara nyaaaaaman sekali deh.


Tengok tu. Even Minnie Mouse pakai kebaya nyonya for the occasion okay!!! LOL

Bride-to-be being led in.....

 Bride-to-be receiving her tiara from pengantin dah pencen! Woot woot!

My girlfriends and I will always hold this crowning ceremony at our bachelorette parties whereby the last bride will hand the tiara over to the upcoming bride... ala ala Ms Universe gitu, you know! Feelingz feelingz y'all.

That's Liyana crowning Shaf for the ceremony - by right it should be Elvy doing the crowning for Shaf but Elvy gave birth a few days before the party so it was passed down to Iffah tetapi Iffah had a pre-planned holiday trip and couldn't come for the party soooo the responsibility fell on the bride before her who is Liyana.

Bride-to-be with her cake! Eh sedap tau this red velvet cake. The cake base is moist and the cheesecake cream tak terlalu overpowering. Sukaaaaa sangat. If you're interested to order one for your events, the cake is from Room For Dessert.

Oh ho! Food delivery boys for the night!

Whose nasib is also very kentang ha ha ha ha ha but tak guna eh ceritakan balek their cerita sedih yang dah terjadi pada malam itu pun hur hur.

My most favourite posing kipas for the night hahahahahaha

Actually this theme considered very decent tau - in the words of my polymate Kartika, this is the most senonoh themed party that I've ever organized hahahahaha BIADAB KAMU. During the party, kitaorang lagi boleh... "Eh rasa macam Hari Raya gathering eh, kita semua pakai kebaya nyonya macam gini" Trolololololol

(Other bachelorette parties that my girlfriends and I previously organized here and here. I once organized a themed party that involved going to Geylang lorongs, siap ada gambar kena raid semua hahahahaha but we shall not berstory about that kind of thing kat sini okay haha. It's cerita lama zaman gila gila, anyway :P)

Had an awesome time catching up with my girls that night and it really is unfortunate that I won't be able to attend Shafilah's wedding... because my own bachelorette party falls on her wedding day!!! 

Pretty bummed I won't see a girlfriend who I've known since primary school on the pelamin on her special big day but at the same time I'm pretty psyched about my own bachelorette party!!!!! Asyik plan orang lain punya sekarang my turn pulak - I have one at the end of August and one in the middle of September! Melampau kan sampai ada dua bachelorette parties. Nasib baik bukan dua weddings eh. Kalau dua weddings gua pengsan berdiri, babe.

I've hinted to the girls I prefer a chillaxing kind of party with spa, manicures and movies all but I have an inkling it won't turn out like that at all. At all. 

 Lutut longgar ni, mambang.

But we'll see what happens lah eh? In the meantime...

Gambar tak penting dan tak perlu from ten years ago with the bride-to-be posing as a pengapit with "bunga manggar" HAHAHAHAHA. And hi, that's me with a bakul that I hijacked from the school's fruits stall during recess hahahahaha

Anyway, you might have been goofing around as a pengapit bedek ten years ago Shaf, but in one and a half month's time, you'll be the pengantin sitting down on the pelamin... and this time round, it's going to be the real deal, baby. Hang tight!


  1. i love hen's night party! hehe. and like u, im very much afraid of mine too. =x

    1. there's just something really fun and exciting about a hen's night party kan?! and hahaha let's wait and see how our nasib will be ok babe!!!

  2. WOW SO FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    1. haha thanks! your bachelorette night also damn fun what!!!!!!!

    2. wakakakaka!! yah it was fun too!! wah cant wait to see your post on YOUR bachelorette! jeng jeng jeng! :P
