Thursday, June 13, 2013

save the face!

I first read about what happened to beauty blogger Bun Bun Make-up Tips when someone on my Twitter feed tweeted about it earlier this month and as with most people, I was so damn horrified to read (and see!!!) what happened to her!!!

Poor girl went for a sponsored facial and her skin was severely ravaged (Don't click on the link if you're icky about such stuff!) You can also read about her ordeal here and here.

I was with my mat when I opened up the link so I showed him the pictures - unfortunately it made us worry about the bridal facial that my mat bought for me earlier this year! Ok fine, I know I'll be going to a reputable establishment and I have friends who did their spa and facial treatments there with no issues whatsoever but you can't help but worry when you dengar dengar horror stories like that, you know???

I mean, what can you do if it's not because of the establishment punya products or treatments but due to your own skin punya allergic reaction to the products used or treatments rendered? Once it happens, it happens, and it'll take time to heal!

The scary part is we can never really tell until we try the products or the treatments ourselves seh. For example, Clinique products work just fine for me but my sister (who has very sensitive skin and has special prescribed products for her face) had a breakout when she tried the Clinique facial wash I gave her. Yikes!

Ingatkan benda ada brand name won't cause issues but end up her skin is sooooo sensitive, cannot pakai sembarang sembarang, brand name or no brand name. Took her a few weeks to clear out her face - felt really bad about it, by the way! Nasib baik bukan allergic reaction :/

Oh, and since I'm talking about Clinique (haha sempat), my future supermother-in-law recently gifted me sample stash from Clinique!!! Nampak sangat peminat Clinique bakal mak mertua aku ni hehe:

Suka!!!!! I've used them before so I know they'll definitely work well for me. YAY!

BUT this is nothing okay, if compared to my mamat's stash which is SO lawan tauke:

MELAMPAU SEH. See lah, memang hobby kan asyik tengok Youtube videos during your free time kan, all the annoying SKll advertisements on Youtube videos must be getting to you already. TSK.

And yes. My mat doesn't post on social media as much as I do but when he does, he uses annoying gila nak mampos hashtags like #nakkulitputihmacammerpati hahahahaha

Kadang kadang tak tau aku yang perempuan atau dia yang perempuan lah kan. He's always extolling the benefits of using good facial products on a regular basis and always nagging at me for not doing so!!! Lagi lagi since kita dah makin dekat to the wedding ni. Sooooo bising ok the mulut. So much for wanting to become burung merpati, tengok gaya and tengok celoteh more like burung murai, please.

Anyway! Bride-to-be me is still in dilemma as to whether I should still go for the facial which is scheduled a week before the wedding! The probability of it going horribly wrong ala ala si Bun Bun Makeup Tips is probably very low though, and I should just tawakkal and hope my skin doesn't fail on me one week before the big day, right? ... Right.


  1. schedule a much earlier one to test for skin sensitively just in case! before reading the post on bunbun's horrifying facial, I wanted to change my beauty salon. but after reading it, I think I'll stick to them! been a customer for four years, & thank god, no problems!

    1. i'm wondering whether i should do just that! better to deal with it months before, than days, right? think i'll consider that.

      and yeah, don't change your beauty salon if their treatments still work well for you!!! guess the news about bunbun "saved" a customer for your beauty salon eh? hurhur

    2. Babe selalunya i researh ovee the net sebulan atau dua bulan sebelom wedding the best to go facial. Its just my two cents of advice.but anyway follow ur heart.if ur face tak shud be fine

    3. thanks babe! so far my face tak sensitive ah so hopefully it'll be okay...

  2. Ouch! that girl kesian nye. =((( My friends advised me not to go a week before! But not sure how early is good for facial. hmm..

    1. ikr!!! i feel so kesian for her seh. bad enough she kena like that, can you imagine a bride-to-be kena like that months to the wedding??? *shudders*

      and same ah babe, i'm not sure how early is good for facial! takut siang sangat pun no use kan :/

    2. pegi at least 2 weeks before. buat lambat2 pon no good. nanti kulit kau oily, make-up tak melekat. acherlli pegi facial satu kali mana ada difference sak. nak kene pegi a few times. kalau aku kau, aku skip facial altogether. - nani (aku malas nak sign in)

    3. tengok ah macam mana. actually aku tak kisah pergi sekali pun because i think it'll make a difference for orang yang tak pernah pergi facial macam aku. haha. and i want to experience it myself actually, if i like it, i can continue on a regular basis.

  3. ahh, when i see her photos, omg i shudder seh! its so so teruk! like worse than acne breakout la. I went for facial too.. well its true what your fren said. Facial must go quite frequently to see the difference. Other than that, 2 weeks before wedding is just nice to go facial. My beautician pon ckp go 2 weeks before wedding. inshaAllah, tkde pape :)

    1. omg ikr!!!!! terrible thing to happen to anyone, really, but especially worse for her because she's a beauty blogger :(

      thanks for the input, i'll arrange for the facial to be two weeks before heh. hopefully i'll like it enough to continue on a regular basis :)

  4. babe, go to the salon 2 weeks before and ask them to do a patch test on your hand/wrist first. you pandai2 make up excuse and say your skin is sensitive and u want to make sure that your skin will not have a reaction.

    lepas patch test, you go home and monitor for 2 days, if your skin ada reaction tak. if no reaction, then you proceed, kalau ada reaction.. well, better your wrist than face right??!

    1. eh thanks babe! that makes sense actually, i think i'll go 3 or 4 weeks before the wedding to do the patch test then insya Allah kalau nothing wrong then i'll go for the facial 2 weeks before. hopefully it'll turn out alright!

  5. Babe, as the fellow KKK has mentioned, yes, please do a patch test or go much earlier. I started my facial much, much earlier because my skin is super sensitive and i wanted to make sure i don't run into the possibility of a horrendous reaction before the wedding!

    Because even months before pun, nanti tak boleh clear dah satu hal right? And my advise also would be to go for those yang use natural products, meaning those herbal products, etc. Because that's less harmful to skin plus it's less chemicals too. So your skin won't react too violently, so to say, even if it's sensitive.

    And i just LOL-ed to Saliheen's #nakkulitputihmacammerpati! HAHAHAHA! Why he so funny one!?

    1. thanks so much babe! this is definitely something that i should do... good practice to have the patch test done first to avoid complications later on, i guess. oh and thanks for the tip on going those that use natural products! i'll have to check on this spa jelita...

      and hahahahaha omg ikr, so nonsense ini anak #nakkulitputihmacammerpati alllllllll. nanti betul betul muka aje putih baru panic nanti! :P

  6. Babe, other than facials, which actually are rather cosmetic / superficial and only clear surface level dirt, perhaps you could consider going for chemical peels or going to a doctor to consult on your overall skin needs / condition. Just to share, for 6 mths prior to my wedding, I went to Niks Maple Clinic @ Orchard Central and got started on a course of topical medication to correct my skin issues (i.e. random break outs and blemishes). Then I also scheduled with the clinic about 4 sessions of chemical peels to get rid of old skin and encourage new skin growth. Haha so cheem. But no regrets! I really saw the difference and the doctor there was really good. I still go for peels now for maintenance and still use the creams. =)

    1. hey babe, thanks for the suggestion! i'll seriously consider it. i've heard of Maple Clinic before, from two friends who were facing acne problems and managed to clear them out after they started getting treatment and medication from Maple Clinic. seen it with my own eyes so i know it definitely works!

      now that i'm on the wrong side of 20s, good and regular skin maintenance is definitely something i need to start working on :/

  7. Your man really knows something! SKII works! A male friend of mine uses it too. He's in his 40s and a heavy smoker, but since he started using SKII, his skin is fresh (not as grey as before), supple and he looks young lah! Like he's 38 years old or so. So, yes. Your man has got it right. Haha!

    1. oooh thanks for this! he will be very happy to know that. although i don't think his kulit will really turn #putihmacammerpati right??? hahahhaha!
