Thursday, March 7, 2013

demi cintaku padaku wahai si kotak

Ingat tak few months ago I wrote about acrylic boxed gift trays?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Tak ingat??? Benda cantik boleh eh tak ingat??? Ok meh I tolong ingatkan, come sini, you baca here.

Kan last I mentioned the two local vendors who I know offers acrylic boxed gift trays in their gubahan selection are Jentayu Gallery and Love Createz??? Now I iz very excited and I iz very suka because the vendor doing my gift trays pun dah introduce acrylic boxed gift trays to their gubahan selection!!!!!

 (Source: Ola Lola)

Of course tanpa berlengah dan tanpa berhegeh lagi I emailed Ola Lola to chope these trays!!!!! Champion eh, gubahan pun kena main chope chope. Heh heh.

The only thing that's sliiightly bugging me is the fact that one of my barang dulang will probably be without an acrylic box because it won't fit the box dimensions. Which means it might look cacat! Oh, the travesty! Ni semua my mamat punya pasal ah! (Kesian itu anak kena dipersalahkan hahaha eh but really his fault lor)

TE-TA-PI! Oleh kerana this newest offering from Ola Lola is tooooo cantik to ignore, I shall try very, very hard to ignore it because... seriously takde maksud eh nak anal sampai macam tu.

Self-service terajang diri sendiri satu, please.


  1. omggg i was lusting after these tooo since they posted the photos on FB!

    but i think i am *that* an*l about everything looking the same that i might pass up on this. :/

    (why so OCDDDD rinaa!!!)

    1. i was in a dilemma for a good two, three hours over this ok!!! so songsang! but i'm trying to control my OCDness (in a bid to learn to manage expectations over the wedding lulz) so i decided to just eff it.

      are you not getting these for your wedding babe?!?!?!

    2. i wantttt! but some of my items can't fit i think because the dimensions are very specific. :/

      takpelah open concept pun jadii ahahahha, anything they do open/closed is still pretty!

  2. Kalau tak muat I will get you fishtank acrylic. Confirm muat ;p

  3. Replies
    1. my life has been kecoh ever since i started this kahwin khronicles journey, babe! haha!
