Monday, February 18, 2013

1984 vs 2013

I had a sudden thought while thinking about some ideas which in turn made me take a break from blogging and rummage through old albums to see the (very few) pictures my parents keep of their wedding!

Just found out from my supermother that she married my father on 7th September 1984 (Omg my mamat was 1 week old hahahahaha) and she absolutely loathed her make-up because it was not done by the mak andam she wanted and it turned out heavier than she wanted - too bad during that time takde Versari Ade magic eh :P

Oh oh oh, and my parents' tok kadi was Kadi Hassan!!! Yang lek chill berbual chop chop and suka buat kelakar tu!!! He looks so young and suave seh dulu dulu tee hee hee :D

(Sidetrack: I was actually suggesting Kadi Hassan for our akad nikah out of a purely sentimental reason - macam very the nice if Kadi Hassan is the one officiating my nikah just like how he officiated my parents' nikah kan? My mamat has no issues with it but he did mention that his parents know one of the other kadi personally and might want to get him for our nikah instead. I'm okay with either one, so we'll see where our fate brings us in four months' time.)

Ok dah, now onward to old school pictures of orang dulu dulu punya majlis kahwing! But ini not just any other orang dulu dulu but the couple whose halal union made me be able to sit here today and blog this right now :D


Mintak maaf mintak ampun takde gambar stylo milo of the table flowers in focus or artistic shot of the bride wearing her heels or close-up shot of the pengantin and mak bapak pengantin tengah bergenang airmata while hugging each other because dulu dulu takde that kind of photography punya pattern ye kawan kawan. I think the guys from Bliss Photocinema pun baru nak keluar into the world or baru nak belajar tatih seh :P 

(Guesssssss how much she paid for her 12 salinan baju, make-up and hairstyling package that came with photographer, videographer and decor? S$2,000, y'all. Sekarang S$2,000 baru dapat 2 to 3 salinan baju with make-up setengah muka y'all hahahahaha I'm kidding, I'm kidding, jangan panic my friends)

Oh, in case you're wondering just how many baju pengantin my mum had for her wedding - I asked my mum how many outfit changes she had and she nonchalantly replied "Dua belas je..."


Hahahahaha ok lah ok lah I know dulu memang the norm to have so many outfit changes for wedding reception but I seriously cannot imagine tukar sampai 12 salinan seh. My mum still got the cheek to say "Ala, ada orang lain dulu tukar sampai 17 salin ok!" Ah takpe lah eh, thanks but no thanks. Kalau kena tukar sampai 17 baju, aku rasa aku salin baju tidur je lah eh.


  1. Omg I'm so inspired to blog/ document my parents' wedding photos now! Used to look through them very often when I was a kid hehe. Same pattern one as your parents' lol

    1. please do!!! super love looking through my parents' wedding photos, so nice to try and wonder how it must've been like for them going though the wedding planning, the wedding itself and early stages of marriage hehe

  2. HAHAHA. My mom had 12 outfits too! I particularly remember one ridiculous Thai outfit, siap dengan the super panjang and lentik nails. hahaha. I wonder how they manage to stay awake and stand upright with all that salinan.

    And back then, my aunt had a freaking 360deg rotating pelamin! Hahahaha. Creative betul dorang!

    I am so inspired to have a similar entry too. Thanks for the idea Farna!

    1. gila! so glad that amalan is no longer required for us bakal pengantins at this time and age *shudders*

      AND OMG siap dengan 360 degree rotating pelamin segala??? now that, will be very interesting to see now hahahaha

      and yes, please, do one entry like this! it's so nice to look through your parents' wedding pictures and know that they've felt the same way as you do now, preparing for a new life with more responsibilities :)

  3. HAHAHAHA. 12?! My mum had 9. tu pun she say dia kena tahan perasaan marah nak buang kasut. hahahaha. and her makeup, dia memberontak hari nak sanding pasal her mak andam tak dtg. the mak andam hantar the assistant to do her makeup. lepas dia memberontak baru mak andam dtg. bridezilla jugak mak aku eh. hahahahha.

    My FMIL tukar 17 baju. now the mister's father ckp 3 baju je? sikit nye :O ternganga mulut kejap, nasib tak masuk lalat. hahahaha.

    1. hahahahahaha so kecoh your mum!!!

      and trololololol stop it eh cakap dengan your future father-in-law, tolong ikut peredaran zaman pls! cannot imagine what will happen if he makes you tukar 10, 12 baju lol

    2. hahahaha... agaknye kat belakang pelamin jugak tukar baju. hahahaha. then my FMIL ckp kalau tukang makeup lelaki, siapa tolong pakai kan baju???????

      the Mister had to explain to her nanti ada assistant.. HAHAHAHA.. shld have seen the horror on her face lah.. hahahahahaha.... and my future sis in law couldn't stop rolling her eyes at her parents.. hahahahaha...
