Thursday, December 13, 2012

mega wedding & lifestyle exhibition is mega

Woohoohoo looks like MegaXpress International is back with its 2013 installment of “The Most Complete & The Biggest Wedding Exhibition"!

What? Mega Wedding & Lifestyle 2013
Who? MegaXpress International
When? 10 to 13 January 2013
Where? Singapore Expo Hall 5A & 5B
How much? Free Admission

I remember going for Mega Xpress' Mega Wedding & Lifestyle exhibition in January this year (that's where we got the awesome promo deal with CST Singapore, by the way!) and was so awed by all the vendor offerings, promotions and discounts. This is the wedding exhibition that is mega huge and will have participation by the big established names in the industry, which meaaans it's won't be like the pekak pekak ones that will have only less than 10 wedding vendor exhibitors pastu combine dengan some other mini exhibitions that litter Singapore Expo throughout the year.

I don't have any other major vendors to book anymore but very excited for you all you all yang masih tengah nak book major vendors! Kalau you sanggup wait, this is the wedding exhibition to go to recce and book vendors. Mesti promos and discounts bertimbun timbun berlorry lorry punya.

Trying to get the complete list of vendors from the organizers, will post kalau they all provide!


  1. Woohoo there'll be 2 wedding expos, almost back to back la! There'll be one from Orange, from 22-25dec. The only vendor I know who will be at this Jan wedding is Cahaya Nanie! and Iza catering will be around this Dec. :D

    Btw, post pasal groomzilla tu just made me laugh sorang-sorang kat hall. ni konfem da potong jalan tauke! hahaha

    1. oh yes! but i iz particularly excited about this because mega express punya mega wedding exhibition ni is the biggest one and has the most exciting deals and promise and you will tambah pening when you masuk! their atmosphere is baru betul rasa wedding festivities - exhibition yang lain lain kadang kadang quite pekak, only have a few vendors and the atmosphere is quite weak... nanti kedai kedai jual makan and tudung je yang lebih :/

