Wednesday, September 25, 2013

this is for you, future baby

Dear Saliheen,

Before you marry me and make me the mother of your child, I would just like you to know that our future child is going to have an Origami Stroller, which works a little something like this:

Love, your future wife and future mother of your child (insya Allah)

P.S. Rina of Few Stolen Seconds told me that this is the "Mariah & Sham of strollers" hahahahaha siak ah description baik pe!

P.P.S. Tweeted to my mamat about this and he said he doesn't mind sitting in it himself. See lah, see lah, I told you guys kan my future husband is a child.


  1. OMG if you can afford it do get it! I wanted this but hubby said if I'm going out alone with baby and friends step I will rajin to haul a stroller on a crowded bus or MRT. Hehe. If I had this I will just naik cab ajer lah kan. Reach destination, stroller transform!

    1. even if can afford, i don't know if this is worth it seh! so expensive for something that is not really practical (since you can only start using it when baby is 6 months, i think) and like you said, macam lah rajin sangat nak haul the stroller onto crowded public transport :/

      wahhh kalau naik cab aje, tu lagi satu expense seh hur hur

    2. what u all know the price already?? berapa seh ahh ni benda! lolz!

      nak kena save mcm save untuk wedding takkk.....

    3. LOL kalau nak kena save macam save untuk wedding, mau rabak pe. jangan cakap kocek koyak, dengan baju baju sekali koyak

      from what i see online, it's about $1400 to $1800 thereabout :/

  2. ZOMG damn cool la ni transformer!!! And can use till the child reaches toddler stage? But what if baby is on stroller and I accidentally press the button bile tengah membebel? Mampos! Hahahah

    1. cool kan????? barang cool, harga pun cool hur hur.

      didn't even think of that happening, so funny lah you! confirm gabra sekejap seh if that really happens lol

  3. hahaa apa makna tu, "Mariah and Sham stroller"??

  4. Oh gosh I know this is totally late (I ran out of wedding blog steam since Raya) but I think I've seen this stroller in action and even helped the mommy with it! It's berat nak mampos, and that day my fiancé and I was giving the mother (his jumpa-only-at-mutual-friend's-wedding friend) a lift home from a wedding, and guess what? The battery went flat and it collapsed only halfway!

    Before that the stroller was just 'parked' at a corner for some time so I'm guessing it couldn't charge itself since it wasn't moving and maybe before that pun memang tak charge penuh or something. So it nearly couldn't fit into the kancil that my mister was driving! Luckily he managed to bring down one of the back seats and got to fit the half-collapsed besar and berat nak mampos stroller into the tight space.

    Lepas tu aku yang kena tolong half drag, half carry benda tu from the car to her place! Sebab mamat tu step malu nak temankan kawan perempuan dia naik. I was cursing in my head at that time, and told myself kalau ever ada anak (haha belum decide that part yet), nak beli stroller beli yang paling ringan, boleh angkat baby satu tangan, stroller satu tangan. Memang nampak cool ah boleh pakai one-touch button, automated segala but kalau berat and bulky, buat menyusahkan diri sendiri not worth it lah. Especially if u don't have ur own car (that kancil is borrowed from my mister's twin) and have to go around in public transport.

    Ok. Sorry ah spam long story. Typical long-winded me! ;P
