Tuesday, August 13, 2013

a different raya next year

Hope it's not too late to wish you all selamat hari raya!!!!!

Mintak ampun maaf kalau terkasar bahasa tersilap kata in my entries or comments or even my personal interation with you all, baik via social media or in person!

Okay now guys, I have an honest question to ask ni (sebab my own family tak practise this!): Is it memang the norm for people to follow their tunangs out for jalan raya with their extended family and go visit relatives on the first raya weekend???

Maybe I never realized this practice (trend?) previously because I myself belum bertunang for the past years' raya + dulu no insta-social media for people to update kan? Hur hur hur. Not sure when this practice started but I guess it's good practice for couples to kenalkan diri with their future spouse's relatives and learn how to divide their time for raya visting once they're married?

Ni kalau dah tunang lah. Kalau belum tunang, masih matair sebulan dua but first raya weekend dah ikut jalan raya dengan extended family segala then... that one I reserve I punya comment okay. You know lah... lain orang, lain cara hidup lah kan.

Personally, my mat and I don't see a need to follow each other for raya visiting since our families don't practise it so we spent the long weekend with our own families. Guess this will make next year's jalan raya sessions extra special for us since it will truly be our first time going out to visit relatives during raya together? :D

We did talk about how our raya visiting sessions will be after we're married, though! Sampai pukul 3 pagi berbual ini topic, nyah. Topic hangat sehangat ayam masak merah mak aku di pagi Syawal okay. Bukan hangat sehangat taik ayam eh hahaha

We've already identified that our raya visiting styles are very different from each other's - for his family, as long as you've already met the relatives while visiting another family and dah dapat catch up and bermaafan, that's it, no need to visit their houses already... whereas for my family, we're used to visting every single one of our relatives punya houses... and some relatives are the kind who will merajuk if you don't visit them at their own houses for raya :/

Truth be told, I quite like his family punya style because that's the whole purpose and spirit of raya, right? To celebrate your achievement for being able to fast during Ramadhan + mengeratkan silaturahim by meeting relatives to catch up over good food, good vibes. Technically we don't have to visit each and every house as long as dah jumpa ma. Tidak memenatkan dan tidak membebankan!

But I also understand that my extended family's style is different and I (and my mamat) have to respect that it is a long held tradition that we must visit each person's house even though we've already met him or her and his or her family at another house while out visiting someone else.

Lepas dah discuss discuss malam tu, it seems like we do have a persefahaman on how we will divide our visiting time between our two sides of families but I guess we can't be too confident until it really happens next year??? You all know lah kan, boleh jadi lain in theory and lain in practice ye kawan kawan. So must wait for raya next year to see if we can truly execute it well. Akak excited bercampur seram ni!

Talking about future first jalan raya together as a married couple, can I just be mentel and show our first Raya picture together back in 2008??? Hehehehehe. This one I korek from my old blog. Old blogs are such gems, aren't they! Treasure trove of good old memories.

Urgh crappy lighting and blurred picture but I loved how the shade of our baju really matchy matchy even though we bought them separately. In case you thought I was the one who was particular about having the same shade, it wasn't me okay!!!!! My mat was the one who was being in a goddamn pain in the ass about it. I was happy enough to just wear the same colour. Haha.

Should've guessed he was a bridegroomzilla in the making LULZ

Can't wait to tailor our matchy matchy baju raya for next year too! We'll be using the kain that we're giving each other on our dulangs hehe and it'll be the first time we tailor something together for raya... for the past years we'll just buy off the rack separately and try to match each other.

Oh by the way kan, if you're the sort who tak suka matchy matchy with your other half or your own family then good for you lah okay. Memang up to individuals whether they want or don't want to matchy matchy kan. No need to cakap "boriah boriah ni semua too mainstream" for you. Menang ketupat supply for a year ke kalau you "tak pakai mainstream" during hari raya? Ape kata you stop breathing? Breathing might just be too mainstream for you jugak tau.


  1. Hahaha! No my family don't practice jalan raya with tunang. Cause to us, as long as belom husband and wife, tak payah la visit tunang nye extended family. Extended family sendiri pon tak ter-visit. Haha. His family also the same I think.

    As for visiting relatives, my family style same as yours la. Every single house must go, kalau tak boleh merajuk sey.

    And kite same colour sey for our first raya with the partner. Pink jugak! Haha. First two years we buy seperately, then the next 3 years together we tailor same kain all. Haha. Boleh gadoh choose kain hahaha.

    1. eh we same same!

      and eh ya, kecoh kan sampai orang will merajok segala kan :( actually i was telling my mamat that his family style is one of a kind tau because so far i've never heard family lain buat macam gitu. usually people will visit every single house kan?! hmmm. must really ask around how other families do it and prove to him that his family punya cara yang very lain from the norm. (i still prefer it though haha)

      oooh and i can't wait to "gadoh choose kain" haha! gadoh gadoh pun best kan dapat tailor baju matchy matchy same same :D

  2. I SUKER MATCHY-MATCHY when raya! hehehe. anyways, about the ikut tunang jln raya right, i also don't think it's necessary laa. but my tunang seh it is, so bopian terpaksa ikut jalan raya.

    1. hehehe mentel kan mentel kan nak matchy matchy!

      i guess it's macam visiting styles jugak i.e. different families have different takes on tunang ikut jalan raya during the first weekend...? well at least now you have an idea of how it'll be for you guys next year :D

  3. i love matchy-matchy also!
    bukan nya selalu pun.. kalau hari biasa, nak pakai matchy2 nya Tshirt mcm geli pulak. hahaha

    I never jalan raya with my husband to his family side when kita tunang. Cos i always feel anything can happen pasal kita blom legal. Now that we are married, ya allah, punya lah susah nak tau siapa link ngan siapa! confused mak!

    As for the schedule to jalan raya, our jalan raya on the 1st year a bit chaotic cos both our family memang nak kena pegi every single house. So 1st weekend raya tu mmg kecoh ah. lagi2 pasal we die2 wanna go relative house with our parents. Malas nak pergi laki bini. hahahha

    So, we learn from there and this year nya 1st weekend Raya was successful!

    1. hahahahaha omg i agree!!! i'm definitely in for matchy matchy baju raya, but matchy matchy teeshirts on regular days??? OH TIDAAAKKKKK

      yup, one of the reasons why i'd be sceptical to bring tunang around for jalan raya to extended families segala is because like you said, anything can happen kan? of course we wish for the best lah but manusia hanya boleh merancang ma.

      knowing all the names and family relations takes time, i guess! especially family melayu... all beranak pinak so many many hur hur. that time saliheen's cousin did try to introduce the names of all the makciks pakciks to me during engagement but it was such a blur, how to remember allllllllllllll. nanti jalan raya baru kena start practise and remember all the names and faces...

      oh, and i think as much as we plan, mesti 1st year but chaotic macam yours! still need to get used to it, and learn from mistakes i guess hehe

  4. heyyyy i had also wanted to blog about this following an "encounter" with a cousin who bawak-ed his bakal for jun next year on the FIRST DAY of raya to my maternals side of the whole family. it weirded things out sebab he brought his June bride and everyone was asking where is my October groom!! hahaha spoil market btol!

    lucky you dah tulis ni so tak payah lah i story story hahaha

    But yeah, in conclusion, i do feel tak payah lah bawak si dia seblom kita apa-apa. nanti the bakal laki confused ngan my sedara yang belambak sangat dia cancel kita lagi satu hal kan! besides, once you are married you have your whole life to introduce your better half to the rest of your relatives so what's the rush? :)

    then again, since his maternal family is small (his mom only got 4 adik-beradik whose very close-knit) and since we have known each other for almost a decade now, i dah banyak kali jugak jalan raya with his side of the maternal family but usually on the 2nd-3rd week of raya lah. if nak kelua ngan dia 1st week memang dah kena tengking ngan my dad! hahah. so my situation ada sikit biased and berat sebelah cause he has never seen my maternal or paternal relatives!

    btw off-topic, selamat hari raya you! amboiiii video raya ada cinematographer on wheels lagik!

    1. sungguh the weird, right?!!! hahahaha so kesian you kena bombarded like that! :P

      actually i also pelik lah, because i had relatives who tanya jugak "bakal nye tak ikut jalan raya?" and i'm like, "NO." wahlau, he also got his relatives all to visit leh... definitely agree with you that we have our whole lives to introduce our better halves to our extended families ape. slowly does it!

      selamat hari raya to you too baybeh! hahahahaha video raya suka suka aje... you also ape kurangnye kan? got raya photoshoot all!

  5. Selamat hari raya! Video baikkk...kesian orang tu sampai jatuh2 ambik video..hehe

    Personally, for me and my tunang we have huge family, so definitely we will have to visit masing2 nya family nya relative nya rumah. Tapi on the other hand, makcik2 & nenek2 all tanya where is my tunang, asal tak jalan raya dgn my family jugak..i pun terfikir jugak dunia dah terbalik ke? I yang feel awkward kalau nak bawak tunang and the elders are asking about him? So, i feel jugak see the openness of our family members la.. Some might find it's okay. Some might feel jangan nak sibuk2 since belum sign...

    Anyway, after marriage ada the whole many more years to jalan raya together, so what's the rush?

    Plus, nanti dah kahwin, maybe tahun ni first day start with your husband family side first, then next day wife family side. Then following year tukar ke...No hal lah...if our parents can somehow manage..Sure we also can...Just have to tolak ansur lah kan...

    About the matchy2 tu memang harus ah...tak peduli ar langsir begerak ke, boria ke apa ke.. Janji bila ambik gambar tu, cantik ar..ada unity...practice untuk hari sanding jugak per kan..hahha...makan minum pun mainstream apa...so to each it's ownlah kan..

    Selamat hari raya! Maaf kalau tersilap kata..take care babe!

    1. OMG i told my sister not to include that part in okay!!! so biadap. but hehehe all in the name of fun, i guess :D

      eh i also kena same thing tau babe, i got relatives asking me "mana bakalnye" and all. so weird. belum kahwing lah cik! nanti dah kahwing then can introduce as isteri / suami ma hur hur. but true lah, different families might have different approaches so depends on what is the norm for each family...

      and hahahahaha wth langsir bergerak! i heard that term before, sooo funny. ya, nothing wrong kan kalau nak boriah boriah sebab nak nampak cantik and uniform in pictures plus can feel the solidarity bila jalan raya...

      thanks babe and selamat hari raya to you tooooooooo, and maaf zahir batin! :D

  6. Topic hangat! Was juuuuust talking to my colleague about this whole jalan raya with tunang thing..

    Since I just got engaged earlier this year, this year baru lah first time pegi rumah dia for raya with my family. Itu pun impromptu as we were around his area. So just called and asked if we could drop by lol..

    Although, it was very weird when some of my relatives asked "Tak bawak tunangnya?" My answer was: Tak payah lah. Nanti dah official baru I intro. Haha!

    1. guess i'm not alone in wondering about this whole jalan raya with tunang thing!

      pergi rumah tunang for raya with own family no hal lah, saliheen and i do the same thing too... cuma extended family tu macam ada awkwarddddd sikit.

      eh i got the same question as you seh! ape lah cik ni, tak sabar nak berkenalan lah tuuuuu hur hur

  7. Selamat Hari Raya babe! When I was engaged, I did jalan raya with my parents and brothers to visit his extended family. But only because kebetulan he was our drebar. So he drove us around plus visit our family so we returned the favor by visiting some of his extended family members. I think if he didn't chauffeur us around I wouldn't have gone visiting his extended family. Mcm not really necessary? Family sendiri tak tervisit, if you know what I mean?

    1. selamat hari raya to you too dear :D yup, i get what you mean and i feel that in your situation, it's understandable!
