Tuesday, April 2, 2013

you're the honey... to my moon? (part II)

Not sure what triggered my mat's sudden enthusiasm to gear up research for Maldives resorts (take note that we have not yet decided between honeymoon-ing in Maldives or Eastern Europe since our last discussion) but he's been bombarding me with names, links and amateur Youtube videos of people who vacationed in Maldives (which he says will give a better gauge of how the resorts actually look like, and I agree) over the weekend!

One of the resorts that he mentioned - and I took notice of - was Huvafen Fushi Maldives.

Pictures of the resort look luxurious and breath-taking (as with all other pictures plastered all over websites promoting other Maldives resorts actually lol) but I think none of the other stuff I saw on their website took my breath away as much as this:

Click image to enlarge.

You can watch a "propaganda"-style (hahaha) video of the resort here.


Half of the swimming pool is at the living room area ok!!! Bangun pagi can terus dive into the pool and have a quick swim. Kalau nak avoid the sun or dah boring look out to the ocean at the outer part then can swim over to the "indoor" part of the pool and watch TV while sitting or lazing in the pool macam badak berendam (the animal ye, not the kuih).

Shiok or what!!! Ok nah, some more pictures of their Ocean Pavillion room lifted off Google images:

And floor plan of the Ocean Pavillion:

Click image to enlarge.


Actually there's another reason why I very the cinta this Huvafen Fushi - it is also because of the fact that they have underwater spa facilities!!!!! WAH!!! NAK!!!

I might not like eating fish, but I sure as hell would like to be surrounded by fishes while I'm having a nice calming massage lol

But dah lah ok, tak nak excited lagi about the Ocean Pavillion after this because I don't think we can afford the rates if we decide to go with Huvafen Fushi (BOO TO HOME RENOVATIONS!!!) But will definitely consider getting another room (the Ocean Bungalow, maybe!) since their other rooms are no less luxurious and we quite like how they look! Plus that means I still get to go for underwate spa and massage kan???! :P

Another one of the gorgeous Maldives resorts that we're looking at is Ayada Maldives!!!

This lovely resort was recommended by Miza (Hi babe!!!), another long time online friend whom I've known since my Livejournal days and we've pretty much seen the development of each other's lives - when she was in a relationship, when she got engaged, when she got married, when she went on honeymoon (to Maldives WOOHOO), when she bought and renovated her flat and most recently, welcomed the newest addition to her family... and now she's the one who will see me go through the life stages that she has gone through the past few years! Hehe. 

Anyway, yes. Ayada is another one of the resorts that she recommended, and it is also very gorgeous, very luxurious... and expensive. Haha. But tengok!!! Tengok!!!

The 1st time I showed my mat, he exclaimed that he loved it and wanted to get this because dia nak play with that net thing. To the point that bila kita tengok at other resorts, his 1st remark will be "I tak nak yang ni, yang ni takde net" -___- Tak penting eh boy lu nak net net ni semua, lu duduk satu corner main dengan fish net sua.

So anyway... once again, if we do decide to choose Ayada, we will most probably choose a less pricier option like their Ocean Villa. Looks cosy enough for two of us, still looks very dreamy and relaxy (lol look at all the English teachers squirming in their seats) TE-TA-PI! Yang paling penting????? Their Ocean Villa tetap ada that net beside the swimming pool ye tuan tuan dan puan puan.

Oh, there's another Maldives resort that we've looked at called Conrad Maldives, and this is the one that has the underwater rooms and restaurant segala!!!

Very novel and sure to be gorgeous, I'm sure, but I don't really think this berendam underwater concept is my cup of tea (probably not our bank account's cup of tea either hur hur) because... macam rimas kan surrounded by water for most part of your stay? Tengok gambar memang lah breath-taking. Tapi kalau dah sampai sana and kena tinggal 5 hari 4 malam dalam air aku rasa aku terus takde breath langsung agaknya.

I also have another favourite choice - the W Resort and Spa Maldives!!! Their Ocean Haven is very cantik!!!!! HUARRRGGGHHHHH AIYAH, I give up lah nak squeal squeal lagi. Korang tengok lah sendiri.

My mat swears the only reason this resort is one of my favourites is because the architectural design is bulat bulat. Roof bulat, day bed bulat, swimming pool pun bulat. Ah ye, thanks eh. Tak susahkan kau, ape. Aku suka kau pun sebab kau bulat, ape.

Ok, yang this one belum habis research so belum look at their prices (Tengah takut mengigil ni nak tengok their harga, actually hahaha) but I would think the less pricier option that we can consider if we do want to stay at W Resort and Spa Maldives would be the Ocean Oasis. Ok ma, till got bulat bulat features! Hahahahaha.

Ooh, we squealed over the double-storey Ocean Pool Villa at Angsana Velavaru too!!!!!

(And yes, my mamat squeals as much as he giggles. Which is why we're always joking about how we're actually in a lesbian relationship lah kan hahahahaha)

Two freaking tingkats, y'all.

Unfortunately aku rasa benda yang kita boleh afford cuma mangkuk tingkats, y'all. 

Haiz. Pretty damn awesome to have a second level to feeling feeling look out into the vast blue waters and cari inspiration and ketenangan segala, kan?! But my mat tells me takkan ada privacy because the people sebelah sebelah boleh look over from the second level so no need to consider this one, no matter how lawa.

Elehhhhh. Sudah lah. Cakap jelah takde net tu pasal tak nak. Chet.

Ok lah guys, since I need to go for lunch soon, I'll leave this blog entry hanging dulu ok. Got some more resorts that we've looked at yang dia punya cantik pun yaaaaa ampun!!! Kalau mata aku ada perut, memang dah kenyang dan dah boncit aku rasa.


  1. OMGGGG Farhana!! So cantik for what these places?! I literally salivated looking through the pics whilst having my lunch. Haha! Confirm chop the prices even more cantik kan! Lol. CANTIK SANGAT!!! SIGHHHH...

    1. CANTIK KAN!!!!! sampai salivate segala hahaha, and yes, the prices maha caaaaantik sekaliiiii

  2. i love love love W resort! might be heading there (Maldives) for honeymoon, insyaAllah. anyways, you could check with atoll paradise the packages they offer. they'll craft out the packages based on budget and the resorts we want. =)

    1. woohoo!!! insya Allah you'll get there, babe! and thanks for the heads up, will definitely check that out :D

  3. Ok I officially have no mood to do work for the rest of the day already.

  4. wow.. the whole place is absolutely beautiful!

    1. it is, isn't it????? seriously very tempted to chop confirm guarantee Maldives as our honeymoon but still need to weigh the pros and cons haiz

    2. my friend just came back from maldives last month and she loved it so! the only one thing she wasn't very happy about was how expensive the food were (one burger cost like USD40?!), but you can't expect anything cheap since it's such a jambu place eh? all the best with the planning, babe! :D

  5. adoiii you're making me wish it's 2014 already! mana boleh tunggu lagi 18 months macam gini!!! HAHA

    1. jangan gituuuuu, enjoy the journey while it lasts okeh, i'm left with 7 months and already getting anxious over what to busy myself with once this is over hahahahaha

  6. Wah!! Maldives has always been in the list but I still haven't plan a single bit on the honeymoon trip!!

    1. start planning!!!!! just as exciting, if not more, as planning the wedding hehe

  7. excuse me while i re-incarnate from my sudden death. mug cow!!!!! i want to slap the hell out of the geniuses behind all the hotels. hehehehhe.

    1. and kena slap diri sendiri out of the fantasy!!! haiz lap air liur je lah tengok dari computer screen

  8. oooooooh! gorgeous! or rather jorjeous!!! nasib i booked my honeymoon alr. if not i will have the same problem! hahahaha.

    1. kan kan kan! wahhhhh at least you made your decision already, so shiok!

    2. kita kiasu-kiasi babe! my mister cakap "eh kiasu nye!" lepas tu dia yang excited start research research. ours is ala-ala amazing race. hahahah. ni kes tak boleh masuk tv so buat amazing race sendiri. hahahah.

      anws, maldives is a good choice! my bff say its a baby making place >_<
