Friday, April 19, 2013

hurry up, may!

Ahhhhh can't wait for May already lah!!!!!

Everytime it's April I always rasa macam nak tendang tendang the month because the month always feels so lembab seh. Probably because my birthday is in May and I lurrrrrvvveee the month of May ok! Hehe. Lagi lagi this year we'll be going for our kursus rumahtangga in May... very curious to see how the experience will be like for us!

I also have this annual tradition of blogging about my birthday wishlist just before May comes around (kat my personal blog previously, before I started Kahwin Khronicles) so this year shall be no different walaupun this is the year aku dah officially on the wrong side of twenties ye tuan tuan dan puan puan. Ah well. Looks like this is the year filling up forms will start to be different for me! Sebab starting from this year dah kena tick "26 - 29 years old" punya kotak and 'Married' punya kotak pulak. Hur hur.

Anyway! I blogged about my birthday wishlist last year (I got 4 out of the 5 items I listed - YAY YAY sayang sangat kat my mat, Nani and Nina for getting me the gifts I wished for! - the 1 thing I didn't get was the USS trip on my birthday, which was ok lah because I eventually went on my USS trip earlier year which then turned into my wedding proposal in end hehehehehe)

Some people might think birthday wishlists are very tak tau malu, but I personally think it's very practical. Everytime nak belikan my friends birthday presents susah seh, especially if I don't even know what they want or need. Nanti end up belikan gift set from The Body Shop. Kiwak, bosan tahap tidur berdiri pe.

So here we go, my birthday wishlist in order of preference! 

(1) Bobbi Brown Gift Card or Vouchers / Cosmetics

Not sure if Bobbi Brown issues gift cards or vouchers but it will be awesome to receive them because... make-up aku dah nak habis lah seh hahahahaha. Macam tau je nak dekat birthday kan! Kalau takde gift cards or vouchers then below are these items I really need to replenish my very kesian diminishing make-up supply:
Bobbi Brown oil free even finish compact foundation (No. 5 - Honey)

Bobbi Brown Lip Color Rouge A Levres (No. 9 - Burnt Red)

Bobbi Brown Blush (Nectar)

(2) Gift Card / Voucher from any optical shop

I'm currently using worn out spectacles yang dah berlapuk and banyak scratches because... errrr... tak tau jaga betul betul ah. Hur hur. I only wear spectacles on the way to work in the morning (because I sleep in the train to work every morning and it's uncomfortable and unhealthy to sleep with contact lens on) and when I'm at home but having a new pair would be really nice. I think I've had my current one for... 3, 4 years now? Dah as lama as relationship aku with mamat aku sia. Dah boleh ajak kahwin ni.

(3) Jewelry Mirrored Cabinet

Sooooo useful kan bendealah ni! Ada mirror kat depan ok! Saw it from another bride-to-be punya Facebook (Thanks, Kefreen!) and she told me I can find it on Qoo10. Just search for 'jewelry mirrored cabinet' and voila! My mat will definitely appreciate this once he moves in with me because my jewelry will be more organized (I think) and he wouldn't have to nag at me about my messiness like the becok little housewife that he is *shudders*

Ok, that's it, y'all! The three main things that I will appreciate sangat if I get them as birthday presents! Tapi ni wish aje lah, kalau tak dapat as birthday presents pun takpe, boleh belikan diri sendiri with birthday discounts muahahahaha. Oh! I will also appreciate Cold Storage or NTUC vouchers sebab boleh beli all the fruits and rumput rumput for my daily #kilokhronicles meals hehehehehe

For my fellow kakak kakak kahwing who have no reason to love the month of May as much as I do, at least you can haz Tahta Tiara's Winter Wedding Showcase (blogged before here), Jentayu Gallery's Wedding Exhibition 2013 (blogged before here) and Mega Xpress International's Wedding Bliss and Lifestyle Asia to look forward to next month!

 (Source: Tahta Tiara)

Still not sure whether to go for Tahta Tiara's Winter Wedding Showcase to go meet From Fran With Love about wedding card designs because macam very the malas to keluar on a public holiday which falls tengah tengah of the week hur hur. (Speaking of which, blog entry about wedding cards coming up next!)

Wish I can go for Jentayu Gallery's Wedding Exhibition because the vendors featured semua best best belaka seh!!!!! Dessert Artisans??? Facelift Design??? Maria's Le Caterer??? The Project Pixel Photography??? Versari Ade??? I suka!!! Powerhouse habis!

But as much as it will be best belaka, this year I dah angkat white flag lah. Dah almost two years turun naik wedding exhibitions and showcases, akak pun dah nak pancit ok.


  1. mirror compartment tu memang worth it!!! i bought it last year and i plan to heret bende ni (dengan my barang2 kat dalam sekali) naik lorry move to his house when i move in with him! hahahaha

    and yes, my room is so much more spick and span because of this cause everything is in the mirror so it looks like i pompuan tak cukup accessory (konon kesian) kalau you masuk my bilik..but once you bukak ni mirror..JENG JENG JENG!!

    1. eh now that you mentioned it, did you ever blog about this before??? pikir pikir balik macam pernah kan??? wahhhhh such a good item for girls to have in their room, man! step mana punya spick and span hua hua

    2. haha no i didn't blog about it - i instagram-ed it! lol.

  2. Farhana

    On behalf of Jentayu Gallery and Vendors, thank you for mentioning us in your blog.

    PS: you got mail!!
