One of the things that my mat and I have established waaayyyyy early on during our preparations is... the location of our photoshoot!
Case takde hek takde hok, you know I know, chop confirm guarantee seal the deal. If you recall from my earlier entry, Temasek Polytechnic was where we met, and surprise! surprise! (or not) Temasek Polytechnic is the place where we will have our photoshoot!
We took one of Bliss Photocinema's event photography packages that offers 2 hours complimentary photoshoot - provided time and weather permits - so we figured that one of the good things about having it at our campus is the fact that even if hujan, insya Allah we'll still get some indoor shots at our alma mater. I've always been a fan of concrete backdrops anyway so this works out well and good for both of us :D
(Photoshoots shot against nature - oh you know, open fields, forestry, lalang lalang, rumput rumput, the whole works - are always very, very pretty and very dreamy and breathtaking but it's just that I iz very the love when I see photoshoot pictures yang ada the contrast between the warmth and colour of human subjects and the stillness and coldness of concrete. Hur hur. Ok, sesungguhnya I don't know if that previous sentence makes any sense lah sebenarnya kan haha)
Case takde hek takde hok, you know I know, chop confirm guarantee seal the deal. If you recall from my earlier entry, Temasek Polytechnic was where we met, and surprise! surprise! (or not) Temasek Polytechnic is the place where we will have our photoshoot!
We took one of Bliss Photocinema's event photography packages that offers 2 hours complimentary photoshoot - provided time and weather permits - so we figured that one of the good things about having it at our campus is the fact that even if hujan, insya Allah we'll still get some indoor shots at our alma mater. I've always been a fan of concrete backdrops anyway so this works out well and good for both of us :D
(Photoshoots shot against nature - oh you know, open fields, forestry, lalang lalang, rumput rumput, the whole works - are always very, very pretty and very dreamy and breathtaking but it's just that I iz very the love when I see photoshoot pictures yang ada the contrast between the warmth and colour of human subjects and the stillness and coldness of concrete. Hur hur. Ok, sesungguhnya I don't know if that previous sentence makes any sense lah sebenarnya kan haha)
Ooh, and still very pleased by the fact that we'll be living opposite the very place where we first met in - gasp - 1 year and 5 months' time???!!!!! EH. Kenapa rasa macam baru je semalam it was 1 year and 5 months to our wedding??? Amacam sekarang dah 1 year and 5 months to our flat possession date ni?!?!?!?!?!
Ok lah, dah lah, don't wait wait anymore ah, come I show you samples from wedding photoshoots previously shot at Temasek Polytechnic:
(Source: Weddings @ TP)
And because I am always very takde kerja, siang siang buta already I dah go ask TP's Alumni Office about doing a wedding photoshoot within the campus premises:
Must remember to submit this form two weeks before the photoshoot :/
Anyway! Sometime last two months, my mat and I took leave and went back to TP to have lunch and jalan jalan - we've done this before for about... 3 times now? Saje je nak feeling student, makan cheap food, reminisce old times and waste leave segala.
The difference between the latest visit and all our previous visits is the fact that this time round we also took the opportunity to physically suss out spots inside the school yang kita nak ambik gambar! My mat also made a brilliant suggestion of printing the school map, marking the spots where we want to ambik gambar at, and then planning our route to minimize time wastage so we can max out our 2 hours. Takut if never plan in advance we might waste our time rounding rounding around the school with no clear route and terkejar kejar the shots that we want. Hehe.
So yay! So brillz kan! I give you five star stickers ok, bb! ★★★★★
Now I also want to claim five star stickers for myself pulak - because I jumpa balik the 2008 blog entry from when we first went back to school together few months after graduation (again, just to to have lunch, jalan jalan and feeling feeling student) because we wanted to trace back all the spots where we bumped or met in school.
So ape lagi? Jom kita walk down memory lane lagi sekali ye adik adik! :D
Oh shit. Better not let my mat see this. Because everytime he sees this gambar he will meraung raung macam lagu New Boyz and give me grief! Hanya kerana this picture will remind him of his pre-Farhana-badan-masih-belum-gemuk-sangat days!!! Hahahahahaha. Don't like that lah B, sekarang pun you masih cun melecun, ape.
After we knew each other, I asked him whether he remembers this selenge bacin sotong kering pun tak bacin macam gini incident, and he said YES. He told me he really thought I was beaming to someone else!!! And got confused bila takde orang kat belakang dia hahahahaha ah yelah aku senyum kat angin lah
FAVOURITE PAST TIME!!!!! Mak bapak hantar gi sekolah untuk belajar, ni pergi sekolah cui bontot orang. Kalau dorang tanya, cakap je lecturer yang ajar hahahahaha
Tak glamz moment is tak glamz. Cannot forget how buruk and PBG I felt at that time!!! BUT IN MY DEFENCE. TP Business School punya jemput jemput pisang was sedap ok!!! Made from fresh bananas, one! Tak sah kalau tak gobble down dengan gelojohnya.
Standard procedure whenever I spot him in school LOLZ
My mat told me that during one of canteen instances, one of his friends did tell him that I was staring at him but somehow I managed to avert my gaze just before his friend told him so by the time he looked, it seemed like I was just minding my own business and his friend was just being ultra sensitive to me looking their way. Haha! Padahal, padahal.
Ahhhhh..... the day I put a name to the face that I've grown fond of.
*wipes lone tear*
The first time he acknowledged my presence in school by smiling at me at the bridge linking TP to Bedok Reservoir!!! One of the best damn days in my life, if I may say so myself. Ada betul lah whoever yang cakap "Never frown because you never know who's falling in love with your smile" HAHAHAHAHA
Note: The reason why he is frowning in this picture is because the weather was pretty merciless and this puteri lilin was feeling very panas berlengas... but I still forced him to take a picture hahaha what what
Oh, and last but not the least...
Adalah harus to have a shot at the spot I wished him happy graduation and where I asked for his number ok! Harus harus harus! :D
All these angan angan seriously making super excitez! Hehe. Shall welcome the long weekend with open arms because we can once again discuss more wedding-related stuff (and catch up on our Running Man episodes, of course.) I'm also a very happy bunny because my mat dah fix tailor appointment for his groomsmen punya outfits next month!!! Shall hustle bustle
Have fun over the long weekend, gaize! Especially to the three lovely brides-to-be on my blogroll who will finally see your sweat, tears and effort bear fruit and ultimately nikah the loves of your lives!!!!! May the BTB force be with you. Amin!
oh my god u are so sweet and scary at the same time!
ReplyDeleteI can't remember being that mentel in school! hahahahaha
But on another note, who would have thought u would get married to your school crush kan??
Macam dream come true. hahha
i had a school crush last time and when he became my boyfriend, rasa macam dunia tu milik kita. but sayang, just after 2mths, the feelings died off for me. bila da dapat matair, rasa mcm dekni tak lah special sgt. hahahaa perangai minah habis.
hahaha! ape seh, sweet ok ah boleh terima, but mana ada scary!
Deleteand yes, some days i'll remember how we started out and sampai sekarang pun macam masih cannot believe i'm actually getting married to someone i had a crush on for 1 and a half years. i know what you mean by the feelings died off - i've gone out with guys i previously had crushes abeh end up semua indah khabar dari rupa haha, then you become very lemau and malas and bored kan! muahahaha
entah macam mana yang ni boleh melekat pulak
scary cos u were stalking him at the canteen and the way ya friend called u when she is in the bus with him and ask u to standby n wait.
DeleteThat is scary shit! hahahaha
Oh man this post has got me missing my TP days, especially with all the pictures of the different faculties (I was from Design).
ReplyDeleteI'll be interested to see how your photoshoot turns out! :)
oh hello hello fellow budak temasek! hur hur
Deleteand yes, i'm pretty psyched to see how the photoshoot turns out this coming November :)))
omg omg!!! I thought of having photoshoot at TP too!!! Senti-mentel value seh (coz both of us from Science sch)... Sayang awak banyak2 la sebab post pasal ni...heheheh Makes my life super duper easy peasy... Saya suka ! saya suka!
ReplyDeletewoohoo yay more budak temasek!!! hehehe
Deletedon't forget to email the alumni office for the form and submit two weeks before the photoshoot date ok babe!
you guys just reminded me of the TP mass dance hahahaha
ReplyDeletewhiiiiich i have no idea how it looks like because i skipped orientation and never participated in any of the TP events hahaha
Deletebabe your blog title reminds me of the cheesy TP song, and its even cheesier dance moves. hahaha. Such good times. and hello prettyorkid I also from App Sci sch! ITAS and lab sessions -- so much memories. hahaha
ReplyDeleteand my fiance and I have also been thinking of having our free post-wedding outdoor shoot at Temasek (Sec). (i betul jiwa Temasekian) but taktau if sec schools are open on Sundays? Kalau tak dapat then luar sch gate ke kat bustop pun jadi ah. hahaha
do you know that until today i have no idea how the whole song and dance sounds and looks like????? i skipped orientation halfway so i was never taught the song and dance. i know about "temasek's me, temasek's you" oun sebab someone mentioned it to me before hahahahaha
Deleteanyway i hope you can get permission to shoot at temasek sec!!! since you both alumni, they should make an exception! kalau tak boleh jugak then dengan baju pengantin tu jugak you go panjat over the pagar ok
Omg!!your love story is almost the same as mine!!The stalking,the crush,the glancing!The only difference is,my crushing happen for 3years+++ instead,and we were in secondary school lagik!!That feeling when you are getting married to your school Crush is ohh-so-wonderful!i'm getting married to him next year and yes,we also alrd plan to take photoshoots in our secondary school!!!Its like refreshing the love story!!I just love your blog and I have been following quite some time cos it's just too useful!Cos nextyear kita nk kawin n we are preparing stuff!!When I read ur blog,Mcm like reading a friends entry!Personalised n also very helpful!!
ReplyDeletehaha i think there ARE a lot of people out there who end up marrying their crush!!! which is very sweet and very adorable, really :P
Deleteand yes! there can be no other place but the place where you guys first meet kan??? always nice and lovely to reminisce the good old times.....
anyway, thank you so SO much for reading my blog, babe!!! i hope there's some useful stuff here that you can use. and i'm glad to hear you can relate! all the best for your preps!