Monday, October 8, 2012

lelong, lelong! malay wedding for $50 only!

(Source: Facebook)

Ewah ewah ewah lancang sungguh jari jemari akak Amy Cheong kita ni yer.

After the intensive backlash last night, akak Amy Cheong opened a Twitter account to apologize for her comments and insist that her comment is "a stupid comment but not meant to be a racist one".

Ape je. Dah offend people from another race and community pastu claim it's not meant to be a racist comment. You think you put gambar Ted as your user picture, you boleh lepas with your insensitive comments is it.

Ya lah, got backlash already, kena hentam by the crazy internet mob already, scared kena report already, now then want to sincerely apologize ah kan. I know we should forgive and move on from this episode, but it's quite telling when we have such careless remarks made only a few weeks after the Eve Tan episode (comment yang sungguh tak penting and tak perlu, imho). 

I won't be surprised if we see more of such callous remarks in the near future seh. After all, you can post an insensitive comment about another race or religion on social media, hope it gains support from other people who feel the same way but if it doesn't and it goes viral (sampai you kena backlash), all you need to do is sincerely apologize, lay low and people will forget about it in the next few weeks kan? 

Nothing to do over the weekend? Oh hey, no problem ada Bimla, let's post an insensitive comment about this group of aliens because they're making sooooo much noise under the block, I only need to apologize and people will forget about it in the next few weeks if it does go viral! Splendid idea!

Last weekend baru je I woke up startled by loud chanting from Chinese funeral rites that started at 8am on a Sunday. My best friend, who was over at my place for a sleepover, asked why I seem unfazed by all the noise even though we only had five hours of sleep on a weekend (we slept at 3am) and I actually told her that I was quite used to it and it's not like it happens every weekend, what. (Seram jugak seh kalau asyik ada Chinese residents around my area mati every weekend.) 

Abeh this akak Amy Cheong baru kena sikit tempias Malay wedding for a weekend dah nak mengamuk the whole world wide web. Weak ah geng.

Cuba bawak bertenang and recite the Pledge sikit.

I usually don't comment on viral useless shit like this because sometimes the comments from my fellow budak Melayu pun melampaui batas until I want to tell them "Chillax ah bro, tak balek modal seh get high blood pressure because of this. Lu pun nak kutuk orang dia ape hal, perangai takmu monkey see monkey do lah sak." TETAPI ini akak Amy Cheong very daring and said that society allows us to get married for 50 freaking bucks!!!!! Ini part kakak kahwin khronicles takleh accept.

Wahai akak Amy Cheong oiiiii... where got Malay weddings cost $50?!?!?! Which zaman do you live in ni??? Zaman Singapura dilanggar todak is it??? $50 is probably for ONE day void deck rental aje seh. Usually the bride and groom will book the void deck for 3 days to accommodate setup and tear down of decor, which already costs $50 x 3 days = $150. 

And that's assuming the void deck rental is $50 per day ok! Some void decks in popular and/or heavily populated areas like Tampines and Bedok can cost up to a few hundred dollars. And that's only the venue rental tau. No need to decorate the venue is it? No need to serve food and drinks to the guests is it? Catering on average aje will cost $14,000 ($14 x 1000 pax). You think we all serve our guests kacang yang costs $5 per packet only is it?

And seriously, "Pay for a real wedding asshole, maybe then the divorce rate won't be so high?" Amboi, amboi, so sedaaappp eh your mulut, I macam nak sental with sebuk chilli Adabi. Excuse me kak, even if couples hold weddings that cost an arm and a leg, what makes you think the divorce rates won't be as high? The cost of the wedding does not determine the success of the marriage. 

You can spend $50 ke, $500 ke, $5000 ke, $50,000 ke for your wedding expenses, but if you and your spouse don't work hard to make your marriage work and immediately jump down the divorce route when things get tough, it boils down to the same thing kan? If baru get married in May 2012 but five months later, Facebook relationship status dah "It's complicated", do you blame the cost of your wedding or do you blame the failings of your marriage? Hmmm, Amy Cheong?

Ok dah, kakak kahwin khronicles already said whatever she wanted to say after she saw the viral post last night. I'd just like to point out my favourite response to the whole Amy Cheong brouhaha, which is this lepak jack straight-to-the-point one:

Ok maybe I'm just biased, because I very saaaaayang kat Chua Enlai because he very kelakar and I suka kelakar people. Hehehe.

 (Source: Facebook)

To all my fellow Malay brides and grooms, keep calm and rewang for $50 yok!


  1. Have you noticed her job title? Assistant Director! And I bet she's not even 30. That is what is wrong with Singapore. Back in my days, you enter a management position only when you have gained years of experience. Nowadays, we have foolish, young (and incompetent) adults promoted to a management position without the maturity to handle it. She deserves to be sacked and her name dragged thru' the cesspool of never-to-be-employed-again.

  2. LEPAKKKKKK! i agree with you on the fellow melayus punya overreaction HAHAHAHAHA. mcm over eh please, hardcore pe sampai post kat NTUC dgn Lim Swee Say punya facebook!

    budden again, where got void deck rental $50!!!!!

    1. hahaha lepak right all the reactions yang very the over maha over kan!

      pasal void deck $50 tu, i don't know lah whether ada... the cheapest i've heard if $60 to $80 actually

  3. What's more scary is the fact that you know there are many more people who think in this way in Singapore, only they didn't post it on their Facebook.

    1. that is so true. so so true.

      till the next racist remark!

  4. I heard this women is not even a Singapore citizen. She is a malaysian and PR here. Want to lawak to tekan Singaporeon. She think can get away with it here. PR shd be taken away from her and he shd be sent back to Malayisa. let her try same stunt there and see what happens!

  5. I agree with everything you said!! I was so mad at amy cheong that i wanted to cry. I found your blog post and it totally made my day. :)

    1. aiyo why you want to cry! chillax ok. learn to let go of the frustration / rage through humour and things won't seem so bleak ^^

  6. Love your take on the whole fiasco babe! You rock!

  7. Let's not let one person's comments ruin what 3 generations of Singaporeans tried to fabricate - racial harmony and tolerance. Many Chinese are very appreciative of the tolerance exhibited by other races when it comes to Chinese funerals and Hungry Ghost Month (all the incense and stuff), so please let's all keep our peace because the majority of Singaporeans are not like her. If Amy Cheong doesn't appreciate racial tolerance, she should now. The only reason why she has not been not lynched by angry mob is because of the racial harmony in Singapore, so ironically she has just demonstrated what she just derided.

  8. Wedding services starting from $50 depending on the number of your guess. If you really want a grand long island weddings and still want to be on the best wedding venue, you should really plan and save a lot of money for that once in a lifetime true event.
