Sunday, May 26, 2013

the chic factory wedding is back?!

Is it just me...


... or is The Chic Factory Wedding by Fazly BACK IN ACTION?!?!?!

They were one of our top choices for wedding decor but we had to cut them out from the list because they stopped offering wedding decor services for 2013! Sob sob sedih moment for my mat and I back when they discontinued their decor services because we really loved his work gila babi (especially the one mentioned here)

But now, I see them posting pictures of wedding decor on their Facebook again!!! Also saw them replying to someone's enquiry as to whether they're back in the wedding decor business with a non-committal reply "Here and there only" alamaaakkkkk Chic Factory Wedding, just come back in action, please! I suka tengok your kerja tau!


  1. What rumours did you hear about Versari Ade seh? They were my top choice but I specifically wanted Abg Hadi to do mine because I was super amazed at his makeup and his tudung styling (if you can believe it? what's up with men and awesome tudung styling? that women cannot even compare with?) But my mother and aunts were against it and by the time I decided to nak rempuh aje, my friend who nikah on the same day dah booked them. Waaah! Was hopping mad seh! Almost had a bridezilla showdown. Because masa tgh discuss2 bridals I was like, "Aku nak Versari Ade, chop, sign, confirmed" and she was like, "Aku nak only Fatimah Mohsin or Ratu." Terus pasrah sampai feeling nak makeup sendiri and all that drama mama jazz. *Sigh* Those were the bridezilla days. Haha!

    1. Hahahaha wahhh kecoh or what sia your story! Tanduk bridezilla all come out!

      Anyway the rumours were stuff like the staff rude lah, Abang Hadi sombong lah. More on the quality of service. Nothing about their showmanship or what - I think that one memang a given yang dorang bagus ah bila part baju and make-up.

      Personally I've never encountered rudeness or arrogance when dealing with Versari Ade so tak tau lah what really happened during those instances when people felt that way. To be fair, I also heard a fair share of raving good remarks and reviews from other people so it depends on sendiri punya experience and perception, I guess!

  2. OMG this comment was supposed to be for the entry above! But nehmind. Just one entry down... Sorry!
