Actually pinned these make-up ideas on Pinterest in case I can somehow jampi convince my mak andam to rebel and make me up a little differently for our wedding dinner!
But I know it's difficult for bridal mak andams to deviate too far off from their signature looks so even if mine membantah dan memberontak tak tentu pasal macam a group of ridiculously gila feminists (NSFW), I know that I can let it slide because I can ask Dyana from Lipgloss By Dyana to try any of these for my outdoor photoshoot instead!
But I know it's difficult for bridal mak andams to deviate too far off from their signature looks so even if mine membantah dan memberontak tak tentu pasal macam a group of ridiculously gila feminists (NSFW), I know that I can let it slide because I can ask Dyana from Lipgloss By Dyana to try any of these for my outdoor photoshoot instead!
As you can see, akak sungguh feberet sama all these winged winged eyeliner look. Hehe.
Wahaiiiii Dyana, my photoshoot MUA and fellow BTB,
I bilang you dulu yang you better do the wing wing thing for my mata ok! Kalau tak I will tuang Red Bull all over my mata untuk kasi dia wings instead hahahahaha ok lah ok lah in all seriousness, I do have faith that Dyana will be able to recreate or get inspired from
the above samples - doing a trial one month before the photoshoot so we should be able to gauge the kind of look I'll be able to
pull off and whether the above kind of look will suit my skin and face in the first place. Me
liking a certain kind of look does not mean that that look will actually work out nicely for me ye para hadirin dan hadirat. But I know one thing's for sure ah - kalau takde extreme winged eyeliner pun, musttttt pakaikan thick eyeliner ah.
As it is, I cannot even make it out the door seh kalau tak pakai a little bit of eyeliner in my everyday life - No lipstick? No problem. No powder? No issue. No blusher? No sweat. But no freaking eyeliner????? Takpe lah jah, sampai bila bila pun aku tak keluar rumah, jah. Aku lebih rela mati kelaparan dalam rumah ni, jah. Hahahahaha.
Haiz. Habis ah gini. Macam mana nak survive bila I start wearing no make-up two months before my wedding ni?!!!
Ah, and yes. I have decided to practise that whole "jangan pakai make-up, kalau tak nanti takde seri pengantin time kahwin" thingamajig, except... oook lah I'll put on a liiiiittle bit of eyeliner and a liiiiittle bit of lip colour so the uncle security at my office don't think I'm some hantu cina + I'm cutting it down from the usual six month practice (amongst my girlfriends) to a more manageable two months. Nak lepaskan Raya punya pasal ma haha + this timeline works out perfect for me because our outdoor
photoshoot is scheduled on the last week of August, which is more or
less when Hari Raya is about to bungkus - so that means lepas photoshoot, no
more make-up sampai hari sanding, y'all.
Tak tau lah effect dia sama ke tak but at least I cuba try ok (Dah cuba, try pulak tu.) Must really tabik my girlfriends who went au naturel (face-wise) six full months before their weddings!!! Nak kasi korang pingat penghormatan, please.
Oh, but actually kan, my biggest worry now is my kening tau!!! I've mentioned before that my original kening looks like misai Anil Kapoor and two months of not threading my eyebrows MIGHT! MEAN! My kening will have to go back to their auta mamak roots. Aiyoyo thambi! D:
Tapi takpelah, nak tangkap seri pengantin punya pasal kan. Misai pun misai lah.
(Ya Tuhanku, kau lindungilah mereka mereka yang akan nampak aku without full face make-up di bulan September kelak. Amin.)
"Dah cuba, try pulak tu" - LOL
ReplyDeleteI love look number 3! The wing mcm VS angel's wing time runway show..
really kan! some people say that kan! my mum and my aunts will always say the phrase "kau cuba try" and i'll always be, like "dah suruh cuba, try pulak tu. tamak" hahahahaha
Deleteand i love that one also!!! feeling feeling VS angel walaupun kat mata aje lah ni haha
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA omg i couldnt help LOL-ing at the last sentence.
ReplyDeleteANYWAYYY. i went w/o makeup for 6+ months, and i think works leh babe! oh, but wearing eyeliner (celak) is a sunnah, so go ahead and pakai aje beb! suruh saliheen pakai pun okay!
my MIL put a bit of eyeliner on fdr for the solemnization, jantung aku mcm nak ter-stop bila ternampak fdr. bukan pasal dia handsome, tapi because, "KENAPA MATA YOU MACAM PANDAAA???!!!!" haahahahhahahahahahahahaha
wah!!! you another one, must tabik!!! i think i can try lah, don't put eyeshadow and wear less make-up for hari raya but to go all out au naturel is seram... seram for me and seram for the people around me lor LULZ
Deleteand OMG!!!!! are you serious fdr pakai eyeliner for solemnization???!!!!! hahahahaha dah boleh jadi bapak kai kai and jia jia eh? hahaha omg now i cannot stop LOL-ing at that thought. will try make saliheen wear some and see how he looks like... maybe he will menjelma as datuk panda hahahahaha
hahaha.. ehh i already stopped threading my eyebrows since January 2012. Stopped makeup since April(agaknya) 2012. Ahh da masuk setahun lebih jah. Ini eyebrow da 2inch thick. Semua tanya ni eyebrow ke part of rambut. konghajar nya kambing sbb naturally i have really thick brows.ini misai pun eh mana tebal2 HAHAHA i cabot. HAHAHAH K TAK SENONOH KAN. cant wait to remove all the bushes on the face come end June. HAHAHAHA
ReplyDeleteWAH you another one, how did you do it! boleh pengsan seh kalau sampai setahun lebih... betul punya simpan seri pengantin eh kak??? hahahahaha. like that must berseri macam Scha Alyahya on your wedding day ok!!!
DeleteHahahaha!! Pros and cons! You save duit on makeup. I tak pakai powder langsung. So bare, kalau pimple ah gd luck ah. Memang ah org mesti ingat i ngantuk la sakit la penat la padahal muka au naturale. LOL buruk sey.. anyways can one. u try la ok. Nnt tgk la if my 1.5yrs sacrifice no makeup boleh menjadi seri mersing ke kau yg bernama seri. ok lame :P:P HAHAHA
DeleteI can't go bare face! I will feel so naked! I can skip everything except for powder and/or foundation. Macam mane ni nak dapat seri pengantin. :(
ReplyDeleteI click your feminism link and was surprise at all the photos hahaa.
i know what you mean! macam feel... vulnerable gitu kan haha.
Deleteand hahahaha sorry lah, yang dalam itu link memang dah au naturel habis lol
omg i also heard about this!! but how is like a habit. omgggg. confirm tak kene gaya!! do update us ok, with the 'perkembangan' (?sp) hahahha Cause i also nak tau whether ada difference ke tak. some of my frns didnt do that, but still look so pretty lor.. tsk annoying all this pple (mcm spoil market)!! hahaha
ReplyDeletebut im sure ull look gorgeous still la, so jgn worry sgt!
must cuba then baru tahu the perit! hehe. actually to be honest, i think most brides will look cantik and berseri on their wedding day whether or not dorang kurangkan make-up the months before... macam your bride friends who still look very pretty walaupun tak practise this. i'll def share how the experience will be, you also must try when your turn comes ok babe! ^^
Deletehhahaha yalor! Ive never seen an ugly bride before! So ive got faith yang no matter what we will still be glowing. chey! heheh and yes, insyallah I'll try the abstinence from makeup and erm from alot of other things also! whahahahh :D :D
Deletejiayou! u can do it!
ReplyDeletei always tell my friend if i can do it, they can do it too.
because like you, i must have eyeliner and blusher at least.
and i need to wear powder cos my skin tak even sgt.
i started 4mths before my wedding.
cuma pakai powder je gi work. no eyeliner and not even eyebrow liner. Pikir balik, kerja gila sey.
my colleague kept asking if i was sick numerous time cos i am fair so bila tak pakai blusher serious nampak mcm sakit and dalam hati "kesian laki aku nanti... dapat bini muka sakit"
During raya, pun tak pakai eyeliner. i only used bit of blusher and eyebrow liner aje. That was 2 months before i got married.
So that bila sedara i datang for my wedding, they will say muka i berseri! Pasal time jumpa raya muka pucat cam nak apa! hahahaa
huaaaaarrrggggghhhhh ok lah ok lah actually it's between nak or tak nak kan? won't hurt to let the skin breathe, anyway, even if you end up looking like momok in the daytime haha. i'll definitely push through with this "kerja gila" soon!
Deleteand you have a good point there! biar pucat time raya so bila time kahwing can see the difference. hur hur. ok lah, boleh lahhhhh
I shudder at the thought of gg barefaced closer to my wedding date next yr. ALL THE BEST!hwaiting!
ReplyDeleteme too!!! lost my lipstick for awhile two weeks back and felt so shitty when i used it as an opportunity to not wear any lip colour to work. sigh.
Deleteall the best to you tooooooo. HWAITING!