Tuesday, September 11, 2012

much ado about hairdo (part two)

Still trying to find ideas for my engagement hair.

I last wrote about this engagement hair issue in an entry back in July… it’s September now and I’m still undecided as to how I want to wear my hair! I was considering a few options, including the one that my sister suggested, but after much thought I decided her idea was too young and too casual for an engagement.

I mean, I like young and casual, but I still want to retain some kind of mmm formality (?) for our engagement so we’ll stick to a little bit of normalcy this time round, shall we? Heehee.

(Plus it’ll involve sweeping my hair away from my face which I do not like to do because I am very, very insecure about my face shape. It’s round like a prata! Wait no, it’s not just round… it’s round and it’s mampat. Like a burger. Mmmmm burger……)

Which made me start to think about how I shouldn’t be too ambitious, and that I should probably stick to tried-and-tested hairdos for – ahem – full-figured women. Haha!

And which kakak lawa will come to mind when I think of full-figured?

Kakak Adele Laurie Blue Adkins, of course.

(Although I can’t really decide whether her face shape is round or heart-shaped. Did a quick search on Google, the results seem divided.)

(Source: Unknown)

Macam mana she make her hair lipat lipat like that niii?!

(Not that I like this hairstyle much… I’m only sharing this picture because I like her bibir and her bulu mata here hahahahaha priorities songsang, nyah.)

(Source: Hair Romance)

I like her hair here because I like rambut messy messy!

But kalau buat rambut macam gini for engagement, maybe will backfire because nanti our parents will tanya why I baru bangun and never sikat rambut hahahahaha (A’AH, rambut aku ni macam bila aku baru bangun tido, asal, kau ade hal pe?)

(Source: Glamour Magazine)

Looks tertib and cantik! But tie hair up = round face shape = insecurity y’all

(Source: VIP Hairstyles)

Goldilocks-style kat hujung hujung! Not a fan. Not loving the fringe too.

(Source: College Fashion)

Yay! My feberet ikat tepi hairstyle!

(Source: Unknown)

Meh. Looks boring to me.

(Source: US Magazine)

This one so cantik melentik!

The last hairstyle above reminded me of something that Nani previously recommended to me! Tapi ini angan angan taik kuda, taik unta dan taik lalat sahaje ye tuan tuan dan puan puan.


(Source: One Wed)


Unfortunately the only thing inside my house yang ada volume is my TV and stereo. Also my 2nd sister bila dia screaming at me to pick up my sampah sarap from her bed. Hur hur hur

(Source: Women in Me)

(Source: We Heart It)

(Source: Ruby Red Styles)

A style that I like but won't do (because of my insecurities): beehives! Them beehives can be reaaally cute when done right:

(Source: Unknown)

(Source: Wedding Bee)

(Source: Handbag.com)

(Or if you want a slight twist, you can opt for french braid meets beehive hairstyle. Kalau shampoo boleh 2-in-1, takkan rambut tak boleh 2-in-1 kan)

GARRRGGGGGHHH can I just letak a mangkuk or a baldi over my head so I don’t have to worry about my hair and get this hairy issue out of the way already?!


Taaaaalking about engagements.

We are dangerously close to not being able to realize our ideal engagement setting (something simple, as mentioned here and here) because my future father-in-law dah heboh roboh sekampung dua about our engagement and talking about “catering food from Minang” segala?!?!?! To our horror!!!

(Our, meaning, my mat, his mother and I. Have I mentioned how much I sayang my future supermother-in-law for having expectations that are seerti seiras with our ideal plans???)

My parents don’t know the specific details yet because they’re due to meet slightly before the end of this month so we’ll have to wait and see what comes out from that discussion.

Truth be told, I’m quittttteee close to giving up and giving in to my future father-in-law if he insists on a (hopefully, only slightly) bigger majlis because of two reasons:

(1) Most times I can control and scold my own parents if need be, but I cannot suka suka control or scold someone else’s parents kan! Especially when their own anak wants to give them leeway with everything *gives evil eye to my mamat*

(2) We’ve already “moulded” him into accepting a combined wedding reception, so no harm letting him have some fun with the engagement ceremony, yes? (I hope I don’t regret these words, my friends)

Oh well. Another round of waiting before we know the fate of our engagement plans. Asyik wait wait wait, tapi tak settle settle jugak. Nanti kita tunang lari, baru you all tau eh.


  1. i remember when i first realized that the small and intimate engagement reception first started ballooning out of proportion.

    a hundred guests later, i must say i did enjoy the whole reception and i think the experience will be good practice for the big day! :D

    i say, GOOOO FOR ITTTT!! :D

  2. oh nooooooooooooooo D:

    did my future father-in-law send you here?!?!?!

    haha! ah well, i'm keeping an open mind now and as long as le parents and le future parents-in-law are the ones paying for whatever it is that they want, then i'mma go with it. dah tak larat nak menentang chek!
