Sunday, September 2, 2012

it's going to be a diy december!

I don’t think I’ve ever seen local pengantins blowing up pictures of themselves and displaying them up as part of their pelamin. Something like this:

(Source: Mohd Ming. From the wedding of Ash and Ann (ex-pengantin from Malaysia))

And another one, on a much smaller scale:

(Via Wanazwani. Original Source: Unknown)

Pretty unique concept but I don’t think my mat and I will ever consider this because we’re not… uhhhmmmmmnarcissistic enough (hahaha) to blow up pictures of ourselves and incorporate them as part of our pelamin and decor. If anything, we’ll be too paiseh to do such a thing! Macam a bit too excessive for us lah haha.

But anyway. Talking about pelamin and decor!

We met up with my primary school friends yesterday for our annual jalan raya session and one of the things that made it awesome was one of my friends and his tunang talking to me about their preparations for their December wedding – I was pleasantly surprised to find out that they’re going to freaking DIY their pelamin and decor setup segala!

They decided to DIY most of their wedding themselves after a disappointing turn of events with a lousy wedding vendor (who should kena tembak with senapang bapak gajah), and I’m glad they did because I was just thinking the other day about how wonderful it would be to see local pengantins themselves DIY their own pelamins and decor! And kaboom – my own friends are doing exactly that.

I’ve read about Malaysian pengantins who DIY for their own majlis, but never Singaporean ones – except them folks from Alchemy, of course, but that’s at a much higher budget. It was especially nice to hear my friends raving about how much cheaper things are and how much costs they’ve managed to save. After all, that is what DIY is all about, right?! Not paying an exorbitant amount for other people to DIY for you, right?!

And the best part is! This kahwin-kahwing couple friends of mine granted me permission to do some coverage of their wedding preparations! Right here on this blog! Which means I’ll be going down to their places and venues to help out whatever I can and sebok sebok to see what hard work and dedication is required for a DIY wedding!

I am very excited for them, so excited that I’m going to share some of their engagement pictures for the fun of it:

[Photography by Khairi Edris from Verve Photography
Outfit & Andaman by Lab Bridal Couture]

I am very happy for these two because they’re such a wonderful bagai pinang dibelah dua couple!!!

(By the way – I couldn’t believe my ears when they told me that Lab Bridal Couture is letting them design their own outfits at no extra costs. And at the quote that they were given, I say it’s pretty reasonable for customized outfits!)

Yay yay, something to look forward to this coming December!!!!!

And wow I am so bloody inspired by their preparation, I can probably DIY a pelamin all by myself right now... with, I don’t know, plastic bottles or something. Yes, I am that inspired ok.


  1. oooh pictures look familiar! their photog is her cousin, my future BIL. small world!

    1. yup yup her cousin! and omg lah how much smaller can this world be!

  2. omg!!..
    me too planning to diy our pelamin and decor and it is kind of a big risk that me and my bambam took due to we want some memorable fun and us quality time thingy...

    seems that our big day is a year plus to go... keep an eye on your diy december updates for a do and donts in diy-ing. lol...

    our big worries are where to rent the pelamin chairs, pelamin stage and if there is a backdrop i wish it wont topple down on us when we on the pelamin... totall failure... hehe

    anyway, im so in love with your blog..

    1. good to know you're going down the diy route too babe, jia you! insya allah berkat doa dan hard work, you guys will be able to pull it off well and good :)

      and yes, i hope i can learn a thing or two from my friends' diy wedding! heehee
