Thursday, August 30, 2012

hari raya brought to you by kecoh roboh family

Long time no talk kakak-kakak kahwin talk!

Been reaaaaalllllyyy busy with Raya preparations and Raya visiting so no time to continue with research and berstory mory at the moment.

Sementara I sit around and wait for my kakak-kakak kahwin ilham to come back, I'll let you watch this Raya 2012 music video that my relatives and I did on the 2nd day of Raya:

Yes, my friends, these are my maternal makciks pakciks and sedara mara who will meriuh rendahkan and memeriahkan my majlis kahwin next year nanti. Silap silap on my wedding day itself jugak kita akan buat music video pakai lagu pengantin. JADI KA PA GENG

Lagi lagi boleh sambung menyambung video with my maternal cousin punya wedding (He's getting married two weeks before me! He's the one in green in the turun-tangga-masuk-rumah scene.) Itu macam dah bukan music video tau, terus jadi ala ala high school musical the movie siot.


  1. babe! with such an awesome sporting family like this, you should totally do the music video thingy macam Schawal with Summer Nights!

    1. heeeee i was thinking of doing that kind of video jugak seh after watching this video: and schawal's wedding video!

      tapi kalau nak suruh CST buat, mesti ada extra charges :(

      don't know if my sister will have the time to diy and pull it off on my wedding day though... maybe ask her to buat satu just for fun eh hehehe
