Thursday, August 16, 2012

cinema + graph

I wonder if local photographers / videographers / cinematographers do cinemagraphs for weddings.

(Source: Love My Dress)

(Source: Love My Dress)

(Source: Mana Network)

(Source: Oh Weddings)

(Source: Unknown)

(More cinemagraphs here + From Me to You (found via Mashable) if you can't get enough)

Maybe I'll ask my baby sister to learn and try to pull something like this off for me. 

Yuuuuuhuuuuu adik!!!!! Kakak got new project for youuuuu!!!!!

[Update: Baby sister immediately made a sample cinemagraph of her office fishes and sent it to me. Thank you God for blessing me with such a talented and compliant baby sister hahahahaha]