Monday, July 16, 2012

pretty in pastel (part II)

Ola Lola recently did a very pretty pastel photoshoot and it was sunshine and sweet treats and lalang galore!!!

(Source: Ola Lola)

Ai yo yo so pretty for what.

(Talking about lalang, a fellow kakak kakak kahwin told me about a vendor I mentioned before in my blog being very sombong when she first met the said vendor for quotes and stuff. Apparently the vendor is very nice and friendly to those who dah nak confirm or already confirmed her services whereas she will very kerek and tengok-atas-bawah kind with those who just come and ask for her quotes without confirming the booking.

It is very interesting to hear this because this is not the first time I’m hearing something like that about the said vendor! I think yang buat kelakar was when that kakak kakak kahwin remarked “Cheap price, nice themes tapi perangai macam daun lalang.” LULZ. So amused by that remark because I’m such a sucker for wordplay! You know, like the Malay peribahasa “Seperti buah padi, makin berisi makin rendah; jangan seperti daun lalang, makin lama makin tinggi” to describe someone who becomes very sombong after achieving success?!

Ok damnit, you know what – I can’t explain the relevance of the wordplay without revealing the name of the vendor so let’s just keep it at that. If you’re smart enough, I think you would have caught it 54 words back hahaha)

Yes, anyway, daun lalang aside. My future mother-in-law has started browsing through wedding vendor sites (yikesssss) and has voiced out her hasrat to give out macaroons as berkats for my mat’s side. She mentioned Perfect Frosting, which is fine and dandy, but I’m going to suggest she engage Dessert Artisans or Ola Lola instead for convenience’s sake – Dessert Artisans can do our dessert buffet and my mat’s side punya berkat satu kali gus OR Ola Lola can do my gubahan trays and my mat’s side punya berkat satu kali gus.

We’ll just see which one is more value-for-money and decide from there. Heh heh. My mat and I might also tumpang sejoli and settle macaroons as our dinner berkat as well if we malas want to explore further on the few ideas that we have in mind now.

Here’s something soft something true, something pastel something blue (and pink and white) to end off this entry:

Such a good colour template for those yang nak their wedding event to feeling feeling all soft and sweet and lomantik! My mat and I are more merepek bacin than lomantik though so pastel will most definitely not work for us

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